Wednesday, September 23, 2009
raya raya raya dan raya
alhamdulillah pose tahun nieh dpt penuh kan sebulan...rase nye kaum adam yang xde excuses pown x cukup penoh kowtt...hahahaha....seronok tol raya cz dapat pose penoh...belagak lah kejap...hikhikhikhik...mlm raya g umh opah cz every year orang surau akan datang takbir kt umah opah...suke suke cz ramai-ramai wat keja...aunty, uncle n kazen-kazen sume turun dapor wat keje...aku malam 2 xpayah ckp lah bnyk jugak makan lagii lagii mak ndak celebrate bday nadiah....melantak jew...hahhaaha....balik mmg da lambat gile lah kan...penat penat, sooo tido awl cz sok pagii da nak raya...xkan hary raya pown nk bangun tengah-tengah ary jugak, mau kne flying kick ngan mak nanty...hahahaha....pagi raya kemas-kemas dapor dulu, sediakan breakfast, isi kuih-kih dalam balang then siap-siap kasi wangi-wangi xkan pagii pagii raya muke nak busuk yang sememang nye da busuk sentiase...hahahaha....pas2 kiteorng sume amik gambar, mintak maaf ngn mak n ayah...hihihi...gambar raya tahun nieh x bnyk cm tahun-tahun lepas...huhuhuhuhu...then g umah opah...makan-makan, collect duit raye dari aunty-aunty, uncle-uncle, opah and atok...heeeee...first raya 2 konvoi 4 keta mpv yang gabak-gabak g beraya around kay L...g beraya umah sepupu sepapat belah mak...ramai-ramai...hihihi...malam baru balik kampung...da lembik da bile smpai kampung...penat plus kenyang equal mengantok...hahahaha...sooooo selamat hary raya semua maap jika de wat salah di mana-mana... :))

Thursday, September 17, 2009
i have learned
- i've learned that the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person
- i've learned that when you are in love, it shows
- i've learned that just one person saying to me, "you've made my day!" makes my day
- i've learned that having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world
- i've learned that being kind is more important than being right
- i've learned that i can always pray for someone when i don't have the strength to help him in some other way
- i've learned that no matter how serious your life requires you to be, everyone needs a friend to get goofy with
- i've learned that sometimes all person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand
- i've learned that life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.
- i've learned that we should be glad God doesn't give us everything we ask for
- i've learned that money doesn't buy class
- i've learned that it's those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular
- i've learned that under everyone's hard shell is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved
- i've learned that to ignore the facts does not change the facts
- i've learned that when you plan to get even with someone, you are only letting that person continue to hurt you.
- i've learned that love, not time, heals all wounds
- i've learned that everyone you meet deserved to be greeted with a smile
- i've learned that no one is perfect until you fall in love with them
- i've learned that life is tough, but i'm tougher
- i've learned that i wish i could have told my mum that i love her one more time before she passed away
- i've learned that a smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks
- i've learned that when you are in love, it shows
- i've learned that just one person saying to me, "you've made my day!" makes my day
- i've learned that having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world
- i've learned that being kind is more important than being right
- i've learned that i can always pray for someone when i don't have the strength to help him in some other way
- i've learned that no matter how serious your life requires you to be, everyone needs a friend to get goofy with
- i've learned that sometimes all person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand
- i've learned that life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.
- i've learned that we should be glad God doesn't give us everything we ask for
- i've learned that money doesn't buy class
- i've learned that it's those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular
- i've learned that under everyone's hard shell is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved
- i've learned that to ignore the facts does not change the facts
- i've learned that when you plan to get even with someone, you are only letting that person continue to hurt you.
- i've learned that love, not time, heals all wounds
- i've learned that everyone you meet deserved to be greeted with a smile
- i've learned that no one is perfect until you fall in love with them
- i've learned that life is tough, but i'm tougher
- i've learned that i wish i could have told my mum that i love her one more time before she passed away
- i've learned that a smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
raya oh hary raya
lagii beberapa hary je lagii seluruh umat islam di dunia akan menyambut hari raya aidilfitri..da nk dekat raya da pown tp kami still de kls smpai ary jumaat...kenapa lah poli nieh kejam sgtt...yang teramat lah sgtt kowtt...owhh tidakkk!!!sedih laen pown belajar jugak tp dpt jew cuty awl 2,3 hary b4 tidak kls kne wt cm biase x leh cancel or anjak bwkkn ke dpn...sungguh sedey lah sem nieh...huhuhu...da lah x dpt cuty awl da 2 cuty sekejap len tgh sibok seronok beraya sakan kteorg lak kne pulun stdy cz naek jew cuty raya nieh tros de mid term test...kejam nya lah kan...apalah nasib aku...raya cm x raya jew...da xdpt rase keseronokkan raya...rase cm hary2 biase...yela kne wt assgmnt tyme raya niehh...kenape msty jadi begini?kenapa??mengapa??why??tolong lah sesiapa yang boleh jawap persoalan yang bersarang di celah-celah kepala otak nieh...yang xjumpe jwpn smpai skng...sadis sungguh lah...hukhukhuk... :(( bagi mengilang kan rase sdh di haty nieh td aku bersama-sama syu, xie ngn yeen kami beramai-ramai ponteng kls agama ngn koko...g sunway tgk muvee cte final destination...contoh pelajar yang terbaek kn kami sume nieh...hahahaha... :P
p/s : di sini sy ingin mengambil kesempatan untuk menyusun kata-kata untuk mengucapkan selamat hari raya aidilfitri maaf zahir dan batin..halal kan makan da minum n semua-semua lah ekk...kosong-kosong yea!!!heeee :D
p/s : di sini sy ingin mengambil kesempatan untuk menyusun kata-kata untuk mengucapkan selamat hari raya aidilfitri maaf zahir dan batin..halal kan makan da minum n semua-semua lah ekk...kosong-kosong yea!!!heeee :D
Thursday, September 10, 2009
letih berpuasa
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
missing sumone??
sumpah....saya sangat rindu kat awak!!!!rindu sangat-sangat okayh...yang teramat lah sangat...kalau boleyh saya nak pegi sane jumpe awak sekarang jugak...sekarang jugak awak taw...sekarang!!!rindu nya saya sama awak...hukhukhukhuk :'(
keje part tyme
since ary sbtu lepas aku wt keje part tyme...da lah kls pack ngn kne kje part tyme lagii...owh tidakkk sungguh penat dan pancit ni sume atas pemintaan ayah terchenta...soooo dengan rela haty turut kn saje...ank solehah... =)) alah kne keje pown bkn nye berat sgtt and kene wt ape jew sgtt lah kn kalau setakat kne bagi makan kt ikan keli belaan ayah ku 2 kali sehary...pagii sebelom g kelas bagi mkn sekali, then balik dari kelas bagii mkn sekali...bnyk kowtt ikan keli tersebot...bila bagii makan sumpah geli when mereka berebot2 nk makan...da mcm belut rupe best jugak wt keje nieh...balik kls tension-tension bila bagi ikan keli makan release tension lah sikit...geli haty tgk plus geli-geliman tgk ikan tersebot tyme mkn... :P
p/s : oh ikan keli cepat lah besar...boleh wt gulai naty...hahaha...kejam-kejam... :P
p/s : oh ikan keli cepat lah besar...boleh wt gulai naty...hahaha...kejam-kejam... :P
Sunday, September 6, 2009
akhirnya buat jugak
finally aku gunting rambot jugak yang da agak lama aku simpan since thn lepas lah dlm setahun 6 bulan 20 hary aku simpan rambut tersebot...da panjang sgtt daa...agak2 kalau simpan cukup 2 tahun mau smpai kaki rase nye lah kowt...hikhikhik...nieh lah rmbut yang paling lame n paling panjang pernah aku simpan...kalau x dulu asl lebey bahu sikit jew potong layer kasik since da besar nieh jadi lah ladies sikit kan, kasik panjang rambut 2...baru de new look bila da tuka style rmbut..dr pnjng kew not too short x sesuai ngn my face...dr awl thn kate nk potong rmbut x potong2 jugak..akhir nya ptg td berjaya memendek kan rmbut...yeay!!!eh2 kenapa sy teruja pulak nieh??hahahaha...
Friday, September 4, 2009
bagi lah ruang tuk bernafas
ingt kn da naek sem dua nieh kls pown kire cm x bape nk pack sgt lah mak aii 2 dye punye pack sampai nk bernafas pown xde ruang lagii...rase cm da x cukup nyawa aje tuk sem nieh...kalau kiteorg x penat msty hyper tension...2 baru aje kls2 biase belom lagi de yg nk kne wt kls ganty lah kelas tambahan lah dan mcm2 hal lagi lah...rase nye lagi lah nk bernafas langsung da x boleyh da...nk xnk terpakse nk nk kn jugak lah jwpn nye...wt muke redha jew...tabah kn jela haty bila de setengah subject yang agak hampeh....lagi2 law ngn akaun lah kan...phm sgt da ngn kwn aku si syu sorng nieh...kalau kelas law ngn akaun rase cm lame yang teramat lah sgt kan...kejap2 tnye shee pkul bape skng??x smpai 10 min tnye lagi...padahal kelas baru jew stat 2..syuhada syuhada aku phm perasaan kau cz aku pown rase bnde yg same weyh...BOSAN!!!! cube kalau tyme kls yg suke expecially math ngn statistic...eh2 da nk abes waktu da kew...kejap nye da nk abes kls da...beza sungguh bile tyme kls akaun ngn law...huhuhu...arini kne submit 1st assgmnt akaun...agak cuak lah jugak cz xtaw betol kew x cz haram jadah x phm plus konpius ngn tajuk assgmnt 2...b4 2 aku mintak jasa baek bf akak aku tuk tunjuk kan cmne nk wt...budak pandai lah kate kn...sume soalan dye leyh wt dgn gune formula cuba jaya dye 2...aku try lah jugak ekot cara dye kowt2 berjaya kew tp aku jd cube x jaya2 langsung ade lah...hahahaha....mlm smlm b4 submit assgmnt 2 aku tpn blaja thru fon selama 1 jam ajew ngn dye...x sangka betol sume pew yg dye ajar smlm 2 kebanyakkan betol...agak-agak nye almost 98% lah yg betol...dak2 kls yg laen jwpn sume merepek bile lect bg jwpn...patut lah puan akaun xmarah sgt cz de jugak yang wt betol assgmnt dye bg 2...bangga kejap..hahaha...aku ngn syu ape lagii...aku pandang syu...syu pndang aku...sengih2...teruja punye psl cz betol...hahahaha...bak kate syu sumpah bf akak kau mmg cool doe...aku sokong kau syu...hikhik...respect kau lebey lah...thanx yaww black!!!then arini de oral eng, aku da konfiden ley wt cz da hafal dailog...then bile edit2 balik nk kasi cukup 20 conversation, aku cube hafal sebaek n secepat yang aku miss eng pnggil 1st skali...lucky num 1 kate kn..hahaha...starting ok but wen da smpai part yg da d edit tros jd blank, terpause2 cz x ingt...tragiss xpe nice try bak kate syu... :)) sooo far cuty 3 ary nie de lah jugak ruang tuk bernafas n bergoyang kaki...hikhikhik...
p/s : assgmnt yg nk kne submit jgn lupe wt...kang dpt telor itik... :D
p/s : assgmnt yg nk kne submit jgn lupe wt...kang dpt telor itik... :D
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